QWIPO is a Tech-based B2B marketplace for groceries and FMCG products. We use the latest innovations in technology and are resolving problems that have long plagued the traditional Indian retail supply chain. As a result, the company has seen increasing confidence amongst retailers across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and is turning into a bustling marketplace with Prime Wholesale Vendors in the region.

The retail industry is one of the sectors which contributes majorly to the economy of this sub-continent and the need for innovation, digital transformation, and strengthening of the retail sector becomes more pertinent. Retail giants have been quickly adapting to the prevalent conditions and staying relevant with changes. There is a pressing need to digitally empower Prime suppliers, Wholesalers, Small Retailers, & Kirana stores to conduct commerce, keeping their foothold strong in their respective markets and providing an opportunity to expand their business. e-Marketplaces are a new trend that will continue to grow strong and cannot be disregarded. Having an own website is no longer sufficient for business houses and today even the strong brands make use of these e-Marketplace platforms to promote and conduct business.

There is a serious trust deficit on the quality of food supplies, commodities, and daily essentials in the market. Business Retailers need to be extremely cautious about the purchase of quality and safe products. Besides these, the transactional challenges continue to assault the value chain with logistics, Multi-Geo/Multi-Merchant commodity Sourcing, Price transparency, etc. There is a clear need for a trusted & tested market where all our essential needs are met uncompromised through a robust digital platform bringing in Transparency, Traceability, and Trustworthiness.

QWIPO is a m-commerce digital marketplace specialized in the delivery of groceries and business essentials spread across Staples, and FMCG goods, etc., and ensures premium quality products from our network of Prime wholesalers who procure directly from the prime suppliers. With a decentralized distribution system, we bring in an extensive range of product catalogue,  versatile pricing and multiple vendors to our platform. Our cutting-edge technology ensures transparency and a seamless experience for all business users.

QWIPO our flagship e-Commerce digital platform benefits everyone in different ways.

  • For prime suppliers and producers, it is a way to reduce the costs of acquisition for new customers and make their operations smooth.
  • For Prime Vendors, it is a platform helping them penetrate the wider markets with strong visibility.
  • For business retailers e-Marketplaces represent a trustworthy neutral platform where they find everything they need with vendor ratings, deals and transparency in price.

Product listing on QWIPO e-Commerce digital platform helps create visibility for brands, product range, expand their sales territory, and strengthen the brand recall in consumers’ minds through their quality and consistent presence. Business retailers no longer want to wait for 3–4 days for their orders to get delivered to their doorsteps, QWIPO assures very quick decentralized delivery to all its business retailers from the prime vendors.

Meet the Team


Siva Morisetti
Co-Founder and CEO
Siva Mamidi
Co-Founder and CTO/COO
Priya Darisini
CFO Advisor

Our Advisors

Manish Anand
Ghanim Eid Bin Wogayeh
Advisor - Marketing

Our Team

Karumuri Kiran Kumar
Manager- Operations
Manager - Procurement
Manager - Sales